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Small standalone tool for interprocess communication in CoSimulation contexts for coupling and exchanging data between different solvers or other software-tools.

Tutorial for performing coupled simulations with the Kratos CoSimulationApplication

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This tutorial gives an introduction for performing coupled simulations by using the CoSimulationApplication of Kratos. It is strongly recommended to read the README of the CoSimulationApplication first.

Usage of identifier in CoSimIO function calls

Most functions in the CoSimIO have an CoSimIO::Info object as input. In many cases this object has the following two parameters: connection_name and identifier. While the connection_name is always the same, obtained from calling Connect (see e.g. the API-docs of Connect), the identifier is changing, depending on the usage:

Ways of using CoSimIO for coupled simulations

The CoSimIO can be used in two different ways for conducting coupled simulations.

  1. The first approach is the “classical” way of performing coupled simulations. This is usually done when using dedicated coupling tools. Here the code that is to be coupled implements the same coupling sequence as the coupling tool. The advantage is that the sequence of the coupling can be seen, at the cost of lack of flexibility.

    An example of this approach (for explicit/weak coupling) is shown in the following:

     # solver initializes ...
     # solver connects to the CoSimulationApplication through the CoSimIO
     CoSimIO.ExportMesh(...) # send meshes to the CoSimulationApplication
     # start solution loop
     while time < end_time:
         CoSimIO.ImportData(...) # get interface data from the CoSimulationApplication
         # solve the time step
         CoSimIO.ExportData(...) # send new data to the CoSimulationApplication
     # solver disconnects

    The tutorial for this approach can be found here.

    A full example for Kratos using the classical approach can be found here.

  2. The second approach is called “remote controlled CoSimulation”. Here the control of when to execute which part of the coupling sequence is given to the CoSimulationApplication. This has the big advantage that a change in the coupling sequence (e.g. explicit to implicit coupling) does not require to change the source code of the including code. This is achieved by registering functions in the CoSimIO that perform the individual tasks in the solving procedure such as solving or data exchange. The disadvantage of this approach is that the including code must be flexible enough to implement those functions.

    An example of this approach is shown in the following:

     # solver initializes ...
     solver = Solver(...)
     # solver connects to the CoSimulationApplication through the CoSimIO
     # defining functions that get registered in CoSimIO
     # each of them has a CoSimIO.Info as input and output, which might be used
     def fct_solve_solution_step(info):
         return CoSimIO.Info() # empty for now
     def fct_export_data(info):
         data_identifier = info.GetString("identifier")
         # using data_identifier to access database
         # how the database is accessed depends on the solver
         if data_identifier = "temperature":
             data = solver.GetTemperature()
         elif data_identifier = "heat_flux":
             data = solver.GetHeatFlux()
             raise Exception('unknown data requested')
         export_info = CoSimIO.Info()
         export_info.SetString("connection_name", connection_name) # connection_name comes from calling "CoSimIO.Connect"
         export_info.SetString("identifier", data_identifier)
         # now exporting the data
         CoSimIO.ExportData(export_info, data)
         return CoSimIO.Info() # empty for now
     def fct_import_mesh(info):
         mesh_identifier = info.GetString("identifier")
         import_info = CoSimIO.Info()
         import_info.SetString("connection_name", connection_name) # connection_name comes from calling "CoSimIO.Connect"
         import_info.SetString("identifier", mesh_identifier)
         model_part_import = CoSimIO.ModelPart("for_import")
         # importing the mesh
         CoSimIO.ImportMesh(import_info, model_part_import)
         # now use the mesh, custom to the solver
         # ...
         return CoSimIO.Info() # empty for now
     # solver registers functions in the CoSimIO
     # register more functions if necessary, depending on the solver
     # the Run method performs the coupled simulation
     # it returns only at the end of the simulation
     # solver disconnects

    The tutorial for this approach can be found here.

    A full example for Kratos using the remote control approach can be found here.