
All benchmarks, examples and applications cases to be run by Kratos. Note that unit tests are in Kratos repository and NOT here

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Full Hertz benchmark

Author: Vicente Mataix Ferrándiz

Kratos version: Current head

Source files: Full Hertz

Two meshes are avalaible, a fine mesh as well as a coarser one.

Case Specification

In this test case, we will consider the contact between a demi-sphere and a rigid plane, what is known as Hertz benchmark test. The reference solutions have been taken from the analytical solution of Hertz’s work that can be found in the reference section.

The following applications of Kratos are used:

The problem geometry as well as the boundary conditions are sketched below.

Hertz benchmark geometry.

The mesh:

Hertz mesh.

We consider the a sphere of 12.2474 meters of diameter with a load of 1.0e3 Pa.

The structure characteristic parameters are for the spheres:

The calculation is done in just one static step.


The problem stated above has been solved using an structured mesh of hexahedron. The resulting deformation can be seen in the following image.

Solution Displacement

Solution VM

As well as the comparation with the reference solution. We will compare the the radius of the contact area and the maximum contact pressure.


Hertz Contact Calculator


Introduction to Elasticity/Hertz contact