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Space and time convergence tests

Author: Riccardo Tosi

Kratos version: 9.0

Source files: section 2.7 of [1]

Space convergence

We solve the transient convection diffusion equation and validate its reference implementation. We refer to section 2.7.1 of [1] for details.

We validate the implementation by computing the norm of the error as , where is the mesh size, and are the analytic and FEM solutions, respectively.

<img src="convergence_error_convection_diffusion_explicit_solution.jpg"alt="velocity" style="width: 500px;"/>

The figure shows that the error converges as expected for both quasi-static ASGS and quasi-static OSS.

Time convergence

We solve the transient convection diffusion equation and validate its reference implementation. We refer to section 2.7.2 of [1] for details.

The analytic solution at time is . Therefore, it is possible to compute the norm of the error as , where is the mesh size, and are the analytic and FEM solutions, respectively. It is expected to obtain an order four accuracy for the Runge-Kutta 4 time integration scheme.

<img src="convergence_error_time_convection_diffusion_bar.jpg"alt="velocity" style="width: 500px;"/>

The figure shows that the time accuracy is of order four, as expected.


[1] Tosi, R. (2020). Eulerian convection diffusion explicit elements (p. 27). p. 27. Retrieved from https://github.com/KratosMultiphysics/Documentation/blob/master/Resources_files/convection_diffusion_explicit_elements/Eulerian_convection_diffusion_explicit_element.pdf