
All benchmarks, examples and applications cases to be run by Kratos. Note that unit tests are in Kratos repository and NOT here

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Granular Flow 2D Validation Test

Author: Bodhinanda Chandra

Kratos version: Development branch. Expected 6.0

Source files: granular_flow_2D

Case Specification

This is a 2D non-cohesive granular material simulation according to the experiment conducted by (Bui et al., 2008). Here, linear structured triangular elements are used to initialize the MPs and as the background mesh. The structured mesh arrangement is chosen to avoid the irregularities of the generated MP’s density, which, by further, improving the numerical solutions.

The following application of Kratos is used:

The problem geometry as well as the boundary conditions are sketched below:

Initial mesh and boundary conditions.

An elasto-plastic Mohr-Coulomb plane stress constitutive law with unit thickness is considered with the following material parameters:

The time step is 0.00005 seconds, while the total simulation time is 2.0 seconds.


The problem stated above has been solved with a structured mesh with 3 material points per cell is considered with average mesh size of 0.002 m. The obtained numerical result is compared with experimental and simulation results conducted by (Bui et al., 2008) as depicted by the following figures:

Obtained results and comparison.

(a.) Experiment conducted by (Bui et al., 2008), (b.) comparison of final surface configuration and failure line, (c.) simulation results of (Bui et al., 2008) by using SPH method, (d.) simulation results obtained by implicit MPM method
