
All benchmarks, examples and applications cases to be run by Kratos. Note that unit tests are in Kratos repository and NOT here

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Embedded building 3D with MPI level-set based refinement

Author: Marc Núñez Corbacho

Kratos version: 8.1

MMG version: 5.5.2

ParMMG version: 1.3.0

Source files: MPI Embedded building 3D

Application dependencies: FluidDynamicsApplication, LinearSolversApplications, MeshingApplication, MetisApplication, TrilinosApplication

To run this example, please first unzip the file:


And then execute:

mpirun -n nprocs python3 MainKratos.py

Where nprocs is the number of processors to use in the MPI run.

This example adaptively refines a background mesh according to the distance to a building. The refinement is then driven by the distance field only, and we can customize the size of the elements according to this, depending on how close/far are they from the geometry. Check the instructions below to modify these parameters.

This considerably improves the representation of the building on the mesh. It then start a a fluid dynamic analysis with a constant logarithmic inlet, with the geometry embedded and represented by a distance field.

Initial discretization initial

Final discretization final final_zoom

Velocity field gif

How to use

In ProjectParameters.json:

In RemeshingParameters.json: