All benchmarks, examples and applications cases to be run by Kratos. Note that unit tests are in Kratos repository and NOT here
Author: Klaus B. Sautter
Kratos version: 7.0
Source files: Membrane Hemisphere
For validation purposes the set-up from [1] is used as a reference and simulated using KRATOS (StructuralMechanicsApplication,EigenSolversApplication).
System of a hemisphere [1]
All relevant data can be viewed in the referenced publication [1].
The solution of a dynamic simulation is plotted against an experimentally obtained solution [1]. For this case the hemisphere is prestressed, subjected to internal pressure and a short impuls is applied at the beginning of the simulation. The following figure shows good agreement with the experiment results.
Compare KRATOS displacements of the top node to [1]
Additionally the EigenSolversApplication is used to analyse the first 56 eigenmodes of the hemisphere. The results again agree with [1] and are plotted in the next figure.
Eigenmodes 1,3,4,6,8,10,11,13,22,31,33,56