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Verification and Eigenvalue Computation for a Membrane Hemisphere

Author: Klaus B. Sautter

Kratos version: 7.0

Source files: Membrane Hemisphere

Case Specification

For validation purposes the set-up from [1] is used as a reference and simulated using KRATOS (StructuralMechanicsApplication,EigenSolversApplication).

System of a hemisphere [1]

All relevant data can be viewed in the referenced publication [1].

The solution of a dynamic simulation is plotted against an experimentally obtained solution [1]. For this case the hemisphere is prestressed, subjected to internal pressure and a short impuls is applied at the beginning of the simulation. The following figure shows good agreement with the experiment results.


Compare KRATOS displacements of the top node to [1]

Additionally the EigenSolversApplication is used to analyse the first 56 eigenmodes of the hemisphere. The results again agree with [1] and are plotted in the next figure.

Eigenmodes Eigenmodes 1,3,4,6,8,10,11,13,22,31,33,56


  1. G. De Nayer, A. Apostolatos, J.N. Wood, K.U. Bletzinger, R. Wüchner, M. Breuer, Numerical studies on the instantaneous fluid–structure interaction of an air-inflated flexible membrane in turbulent flow, Journal of Fluids and Structures 82 (2018) 577–609