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This is a 2D CFD simulation of the well known lid-driven cavity flow problem. The reference solution has been taken from Marchi et. al. (2009), The following applications of Kratos are used:

  • MeshingApplication
  • ExternalSolversApplication
  • FluidDynamicsApplication

Case Specification

A one meter square-shaped domain is considered. The fluid parameters are set such that the Reynolds number is 100, thus:

  • Density (ρ): 1.0 Kg/m3
  • Kinematic viscosity (ν): 0.01 m2/s

The boundary conditions are:

  • Bottom, left and right boundaries: No-slip
  • Top boundary: v = [1.0,0.0] m/s
  • Top left corner: v = [0.0,0.0] m/s
  • Top right corner: v = [1.0,0.0] m/s
  • Bottom left corner: p = 0.0 Pa

The time step has been set to 0.1 seconds. Regarding the total time, 10 seconds has been proved to be enough to reach a stationary solution.


The problem stated above has been solved with a structured mesh with 200x200 divisions composed by linear triangular elements. The obtained velocity field as well as a centred vertical cross section, comparing the reference solution (solved with a 1024x1024 grid) against the obtained one, are shown below.

Obtained velocity field. Cross section at _x = 0.5_ solution.


Marchi, Carlos Henrique, Suero, Roberta, & Araki, Luciano Kiyoshi. (2009). The lid-driven square cavity flow: numerical solution with a 1024 x 1024 grid. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 31(3), 186-198. https://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1678-58782009000300004