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This documentation is the central location to provide all the necessary information to Kratos users and developers. This has two parts, first one is this documentation which is more focused on showcasing abilities and applications with examples tailored mostly for users. While this is tailored for users, documentors are allowed to have in here code snippets, hints, guides for developers. A seperate documentation is there which created using Doxygen for the C++ and python layer of the code. Developers are advised to follow proper documentation guide lines in their C++ or python source code so it can be linked/reused/viewed from this documentation.

This documentation has three guides.

  • How to create documentation content for this documentation guide.
  • How to properly document in C++ source code.
  • How to properly document in python source code.

Latex support

MarkDown language is used to create documentation guide. This is enabled with latex support to illustrate equations if necessary. Following is an example latex code.

<p align="center">$$ \underline{r} = \sum_{i=1}^N{\underline{x}_i}$$</p>

This is showed as following in the respective content page.

$$ \underline{r} = \sum_{i=1}^N{\underline{x}_i}$$


This documentation uses the folder structure and special menu_info.json files in each folder structure to automate creation of navigation bars. And the MarkDown files starts with remote_*.md are automatically generated MarkDown files therefore, it is advised not to change them since they will be overwritten when the folder structure is processed.