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Each application in Kratos can have its own documentation with its own side navigation bar.

How to create application documentation guide

  1. Create a folder with the application name in docs/pages/Applications/<YOUR_APPLICATION_NAME>
  2. Create a file named menu_info.json in that folder.
  3. Now create the folder structure and MarkDown file structure as preferred. Documentation Pages
  4. Add the following content to the menu_info.json file.
    "side_bar_name": "shape_optimization_application",
    "landing_page": "General/Multi_objective_optimization.md",
    "additional_menu_options": {
        "title": "sidebar",
        "product": "Shape Optimization Application"
    "custom_entries": [

Please refer to Side Navigation Bar for more information on how to modify the side navigation bar menu entries.

Please refer to External entries

How to add kratos examples

Please refer to Kratos Example entries