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This section intends to describe what is a process in Kratos and the different interfaces that are available from python.


Processes in kratos are a set of utilities that will be executed during an AnalysisStage. The main characteristic of the procsses is that they have a set of fixed execute points (see AnalysisStage Sequence Diagram):

  • ExecuteInitialize: Will be called during the initialize sequence of an AnalysisStage, before the initialization of the Solver.

  • ExecuteBeforeSolustionLoop: Will be called during the initialize sequence of an AnalysisStage, after the initialization of the Solver

  • ExecuteInitializeSolutionStep: Will be called at the begining of each solution loop, before executing the preconditioners and solvers

  • ExecuteFinalizeSolutionStep: Will be called at the end of each solution loop, after executing the preconditioners and solvers but before the output stage.

  • ExecuteBeforeOutputStep: Will be called at the begining of the output stage for every output process active, before printing the results

  • ExecuteAfterOutputStep: Will be called at the end of the output stage for every output process active, after printing the results

  • ExecuteFinalize: Will be called during the finalize sequence of an AnalysisStage, just before existing the stage.

List of processes:

Value Assignement

Calculation Utilities