This document provides an overview of a process in the Kratos Multiphysics library that assigns a scalar variable to various entities within a model part.
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Assign Scalar Variable To Entities Process


This process assigns a predefined scalar value to specified entities within a given ModelPart in Kratos Multiphysics simulations.

This process has specific versions depending on the entities being targeted:

  • AssignScalarVariableToNodesProcess
  • AssignScalarVariableToElementsProcess
  • AssignScalarVariableToConditionsProcess
  • AssignScalarVariableToMasterSlaveConstraintsProcess

The scalar value assigned can be either a constant number or a function defined as a string, which is evaluated at runtime.


This process is executed during the following hooks:


During this step, the scalar value is assigned to the entities. If any conditions are specified, they are also applied.


Finalizes any changes or updates made during the initialization step, ensuring the state is consistent moving forward.

Parameters & Defaults

    "model_part_name" : "please_specify_model_part_name",
    "variable_name"   : "SPECIFY_VARIABLE_NAME",
    "interval"        : [0.0, 1e30],
    "value"           : 0.0,
    "local_axes"      : {},
    "historical"      : false,
    "entities"        : []

Defines the model part where the scalar variable will be applied.


Specifies the name of the scalar variable to be assigned.


Indicates the time interval over which the scalar assignment is active.


Determines the scalar value or function to be assigned to the variable.


Defines the local axes configuration for the assignment if needed.


Specifies whether the assignment should be stored historically.


Lists the types of entities to which the scalar value will be assigned. Options include nodes, elements, conditions, and constraints. This is essential as it dictates the scope of the process.