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Assign Scalar Input


This process assigns a value from an input to a variable belonging to all of the entities in a given mesh


This process is executed in the following hooks:


Assigns the value.

Parameters & Defaults

    "model_part_name"    : "please_specify_model_part_name",
    "mesh_id"            : 0,
    "variable_name"      : "SPECIFY_VARIABLE_NAME",
    "interval"           : ["begin", "end"],
    "file"               : "",
    "historical"         : false,
    "transfer_algorithm" : "nearest_neighbour",
    "entities"           : []

Name of the modelpart in wich the field variable will be applied


Id of the internal mesh to which the process will be applied. Default 0.


Name of the variable in which the field value will be applied.


Interval of time in which the process will be applied.


Input file with the input values. currently accepts json, txt and csv


Selects if the value is applied to the historical (true) or the non-historical (false) databases. Default false


Searh algortihm. Curently only accepts nearest_neighbour.


List of entities into which the value will be applies. Accepts: nodes, elements, conditions

File Formats


A JSON file containing

  • A field TIME with an array of time steps in which the value will be applied.
  • A list of fields containing:
    • COORDINATES with the coordinates into which the value will be applied
    • VALUES a field containing. Please notice that while applying from json, is possible to define multiple values which will override the variable_name definided in the properties.
      • The name of the variable to which will be applied.
      • A list of values. Needs to be of the same size as the TIME field in the root.


    "TIME" : [0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5],
    "1"    : {
        "COORDINATES" : [0.75, 0.75, 0.0],
        "VALUES"      : { "PRESSURE" : [1.0,2.0,4.0,8.0,16.0] }
    "2"    : {
        "COORDINATES" : [0.25, 0.25, 0.0],
        "VALUES"      : { "PRESSURE" : [2.0,4.0,8.0,16.0,32.0] }


A text file containing:

  • A header lines with the time keyword and a series of coordinates that identify the position in which the value will be applied.
  • List of rows containing the time step of application and the values. The list of values needs to be of the same size as the number of coordinates in the header.


time 	(0.75, 0.75, 0.0) 	(0.25, 0.25, 0.0)
0.1 	1.0 	2.0
0.2 	2.0 	4.0
0.3 	4.0 	8.0
0.4 	8.0 	16.0
0.5  	16.0 	32.0


Header containing #time velocity and a list of values


#time velocity
0,  0
1,  0.1
2,  0.3