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Calculate Discontinuous Distance To Skin


Warning: This process does not follow the standard Process interface.

This process takes a volume model part (with tetrahedra mesh) and a skin model part (with triangle mesh) and and calcualtes the distance to the skin for all the elements and nodes of the volume model part.

Parameters & Defaults

    "elemental_distances_variable"                   : "ELEMENTAL_DISTANCES",
    "elemental_edge_distances_variable"              : "ELEMENTAL_EDGE_DISTANCES",
    "elemental_edge_distances_extrapolated_variable" : "ELEMENTAL_EDGE_DISTANCES_EXTRAPOLATED",
    "embedded_velocity_variable"                     : "EMBEDDED_VELOCITY",
    "calculate_elemental_edge_distances"             : false,
    "calculate_elemental_edge_distances_extrapolated": false,
    "use_positive_epsilon_for_zero_values"           : true

Variable that will be use to store the distance between elements.


Variable that will be use to store the cut edge ratios.


Variable that will be use to store the cut edge ratios of extrapolated geometry.


Variable that holds the embedded velocity of the mesh.


If set to true, will calculate the cut edge ratios for intersected elements and store them in elemental_edge_distances_variable


If set to true, will calculate the cut edge ratios of the extrapolated geometry for intersected elements and store them in elemental_edge_distances_extrapolated_variable


If set to true will use positive std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() for the tolerace of the distance calculation, otherwise will use -std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()