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This elaborates how to modify side navigation bar for a specific content page.

This will eloborate on how a user/developer can create/modify top navigation bar entries.

Creating navigation side bar entries

Creation of the side navigation bar entries aCustom_entries.mdre automated by the python file process_pages.py. When creating the side navigation bar, it recursively iterates through the docs/pages/// folder maximum up to three sub-levels and creates side navigation bar entries. This automation can be controlled by editing the menu_info.json.

The automation process will replace “_” with “ “ when creating menu entries from folder or MarkDown file names.

The entry side_bar_name corresponds to the side navigation bar file name. This is a must have entry in here and it needs to be unique so that it will not overwrite another side navigation bar file. Do not create any names starting with remote since that is a keyword reserved to identify automated files in this documentation.

The entry landing_page needs to be refering to a Markdown file. This is a must have entry. This content page will be shown when navigated to this entry.

The entry additional_menu_options is a must have entry. Under their, product entry should be added which reflects the side bar navigation title and title should be with value sidebar.

The entry custom_entries is optional. This is used in case if there is a need to have a specific order in the side bar menu entries. All the sub-folders, mark down files which are not in the custom_enties will be put in the side bar after in the alphabatical order after the entries which are found in the list custom_entries.

Custom entries

Please refer to Custom entries


    "side_bar_name": "kratos_for_users",
    "landing_page": "General/Overview.md",
    "additional_menu_options": {
        "title": "sidebar",
        "product": "For Users"
    "custom_entries": [