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The Multi Vector Quasi Newton is a formulation based on Newton-Raphson method. This formulation approximate the Jacobian, based on the residual and ∆𝑢 of the previous iterations.

The Taylor expansion of the residual is expressed as:

$$ r^{i+1}\approx r^i+\frac{\partial r^i}{\partial u}\Delta u^{i+1}$$

where $\frac{\partial r^i}{\partial u}$ is the jacobian $J^i$. Based on the equation above, the residual will be zero when:

$$ \frac{\partial r^i}{\partial u}\Delta u^{i+1}=-r^i$$

The jacobian is aproximated with the following equation:

$$ J^{i+1,t+1}\approx J^t+(W^i-J^tV^i)((V^i)^TV^i)^{-1}(V^i)^T$$

where V is a collection of residual vectors from the previous iterations and W is a collection of $\Delta u$ vectors from the previous iterations.

solving for $\Delta u^{i+1}$, we can calculate the next iteration:

$$ u^{i+1}=u^i+\Delta u^{i+1}$$


  • horizon: Maximum number of vectors to be stored in each time step.
  • alpha: Relaxation factor for computing the update, when no vectors available.
