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Collapse method is used to collapse the lazy expression tree. This is useful when the lazy expression tree is larger which may occupy or exceeds the RAM limitations..

The resulting expression retains the original’s shape, having the same evaluated values. But the resulting expression will not be having the tree structure since it is collapsed.

Use case

The following example shows how to compute the maximum depth of the expression hierarchy, and collapse it down to a single array.

import KratosMultiphysics as Kratos
model = Kratos.Model()
model_part = model.CreateModelPart("test")

node_1 = model_part.CreateNewNode(1, 0, 0, 0)
node_2 = model_part.CreateNewNode(2, 1, 0, 0)
node_3 = model_part.CreateNewNode(3, 1, 1, 0)

# setting VELOCITY of each node
node_1.SetValue(Kratos.VELOCITY, Kratos.Array3([-1,-2,-3]))
node_2.SetValue(Kratos.VELOCITY, Kratos.Array3([-4,-5,-6]))
node_3.SetValue(Kratos.VELOCITY, Kratos.Array3([-7,-8,-9]))

# create the nodal expression
nodal_expression = Kratos.Expression.NodalExpression(model_part)

# read the VELOCITY from non-historical nodal container
Kratos.Expression.VariableExpressionIO.Read(nodal_expression, Kratos.VELOCITY, False)

nodal_expression *= 2
nodal_expression += 1


collapsed_exp = Kratos.Expression.Utils.Collapse(nodal_expression)

# Destroy the original expression to free up memory
del nodal_expression


Expected output:

 |  /           |                  
 ' /   __| _` | __|  _ \   __|    
 . \  |   (   | |   (   |\__ \  
_|\_\_|  \__,_|\__|\___/ ____/
           Multi-Physics 9.4."3"-docs/add_python_processing_locally-eb00abccc7-FullDebug-x86_64
           Compiled for GNU/Linux and Python3.11 with GCC-13.2
Compiled with threading and MPI support.
Maximum number of threads: 30.
Running without MPI.
Process Id: 499448