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First of all we need to create a python file with following code to import the Kratos, create a ModelPart and read it from input as described in the here :

import KratosMultiphysics
import KratosMultiphysics.StructuralMechanicsApplication

this_model = KratosMultiphysics.Model()
structural_model_part = this_model.CreateModelPart("StructuralPart", 3)


structural_model_part_io = KratosMultiphysics.ModelPartIO("KratosWorkshop2019_high_rise_building_CSM")

Accessing Elements

The elements stored in the ModelPart can be accessed using the Elements parameter:

model_part_elements = structural_model_part.Elements

Iteration over all elements in a model part is very similar to the nodes. For example writing the ID elements in a model part can be done as follow:

for element in model_part_elements:

Additionally we can access for example the geometry of the element and ask the area of each element:

for element in structural_model_part.Elements:
    print("ID", element.Id, " AREA: ", element.GetGeometry().Area())

Accessing Conditions

Conditions parameter of model part provides access to the conditions it stores:

model_part_conditions = structural_model_part.Conditions

Iteration over conditions is very similar to the elements. In the same way printing the ID conditions is as follow:

for condition in model_part_conditions: