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This section inteds to give you an overview of the compilation options available in Kratos.

Building Environment

It is possible to configure the build environment for Kratos, that is: where the source is located, which will be the install dir, and how the python files are going to be installed.

BOOST_ROOT=[Path] Sets the path to boost root. If left unassigned Kratos will try to detect a usable boost installed in the system.


Path to the python executable that Kratos will use. We recommend that you manually set this in case you have multiple versions of python in the system. Ubuntu users need to be extra careful with this as default versions tends to be Python2, while Kratos is compiled with Python3

KRATOS_BUILD_TYPE=[Release|RelWithDebInfo|Debug|FullDebug] Build type of kratos:

  • Release: Maximum optimization (-O2) level with no debug info.
  • RelWithDebInfo: Some optimization (-O1) with debug info. Memory may be optimized in when debuging for some specific locations of memory.
  • Debug: No optimization (-O0) with debug info.
  • FullDebug: No optimization (-O0) with debug info. Additionally -DNO_DEBUG is not active and extra assertions from -DKRATOS_DEBUG are enabled.

KRATOS_SOURCE=[Path] Path to the source of Kratos. It will target the directory above this script by default.

KRATOS_BUILD=[Path] Build directory for Kratos. Makefiles, vsprojects and other artifacts will be stored here. It defaults to Kratos/Build

KRATOS_APP_DIR=[Path] Path where your applications are located. This variable is not necessary but it helps to organize the list of applications to be compiled. It defaults to Kratos/Applications

KRATOS_INSTALL_PYTHON_USING_LINKS=[ON|OFF] Controls wether the python files are installed by making copies or creating symlinks to the files in the source directory. This options is specially usefull if you are developing python files and don’t want to reinstall every time you touch a script.

Using this option in Windows requires elevated privileges (you must run the script as admin)

Common Flags

It is also possible to use more advanced configuration options. To use any of these options please add them directly to the cmake configuration line just as any other flag

-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=String Path to the C compiler. Overrides CC environment variable

-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=String Path to the C++ compiler. Overrides CXX environment variable

-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=String Install path for Kratos. If not set the installation will be done in bin/[build_type]

-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=String User defined flags for the C compiler.

-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=String User defined flags for the C++ compiler.

-DBOOST_ROOT=String Root directory for boost. Overrided by BOOST_ROOT environmental variable if defined.

-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=String Python executable to be used. It is recommended to set this option if more than one version of python is present in the system (For example while using ubuntu). Overrided by PYTHON_EXECUTABLE environmental variable if defined.

-DKRATOS_BUILD_TESTING=ON/OFF Enables(Default) or Disables the compilation of the C++ unitary tests for Kratos and Applications.

-DKRATOS_NO_TRY_CATCH=ON/OFF Enables or Disables(Default) the prevention of code generation in KRATOS_TRY and KRATOS_CATCH macros to allow direct debug of the code through gdb without having to break at __cxa_throw.

Unitary Builds

-DCMAKE_UNITY_BUILD=ON/OFF Enables or Disables(default) the use of cmake unity build to speedup compilation by using unitary builds. Please notice that enabling this options can greatly increase the amount of memory needed to compile some targets, specially if combined with -jx.

In order to install and compile with this switch please use:

On GNU/Linux

cmake --build "${KRATOS_BUILD}/${KRATOS_BUILD_TYPE}" --target install -- -j1

On Windows

cmake --build "%KRATOS_BUILD%/%KRATOS_BUILD_TYPE%" --target install -- /property:configuration=%KRATOS_BUILD_TYPE% /p:Platform=x64

Instead of the regular install target.

Please, beware that using this flag along with a parallel compilation may cause a VERY LARGE use of RAM as we hardcoded Kratos compilation so unitary builds try to make as many unitary targets as threads are usable. We recommed you to disable parallel compilation unless you know what you are doing.


Building Kratos with support for MPI requires an advanced configuration of its building script, as well as the building of dependencies and parallel applications. Here you can find guidelines for the compilation of Kratos and its dependencies.


-DKRATOS_COLORED_OUTPUT=ON/OFF Enables colored output of the Logger. If switched on, e.g. warning level messages will be printed in yellow to the terminal. Please notice that colored output is not supported by all terminals.


Kratos can make use of TPL libraries that cannot be included in the main compilation processes for a variety of reasons If you want to add support for those libraries, we provide switches to enable them.

Please note that Kratos will NEVER DISTRIBUTE, RELEASE or COMPILE with these libraries unless explicitly specified, and the use of these libraries may add additional restrictions on top of BSD.


Tetgen is a library to generate tetrahedral meshes. We provide some utilities that can make use of Tetgen. The flags related with Tetgen are the following:

-DUSE_TETGEN_NONFREE_TPL=ON Enables/Disables the use of Tetgen and its related utilities in the code. If no other options provided Kratos will try to find Tetgen installed on your system.

-DUSE_TETGEN_NONFREE_TPL_PATH="${TETGEN_PATH}" Tries to use a local version of Tetgen from a given TETGEN_PATH

-DUSE_TETGEN_NONFREE_TPL_URL="${TETGEN_URL}" Tries to download and use a version of Tetgen from a given TETGEN_URL

-DFORCE_TETGEN_NONFREE_TPL_URL Forces to re-download and replace an existing version of Tetgen obtained through USE_TETGEN_NONFREE_TPL_URL


Triangle is a library for delaunay triangulation. We provide some utilities in Kratos that depend on this library. The flags related with Triangle are the following:

-DUSE_TRIANGLE_NONFREE_TPL Enables or disables the use of Triangle and its related utilities in the code.