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The MainKratos.py script generated by GiD contains the following code.

import sys
import time
import importlib

import KratosMultiphysics

def CreateAnalysisStageWithFlushInstance(cls, global_model, parameters):
    class AnalysisStageWithFlush(cls):

        def __init__(self, model,project_parameters, flush_frequency=10.0):
            self.flush_frequency = flush_frequency
            self.last_flush = time.time()

        def Initialize(self):

        def FinalizeSolutionStep(self):

            if self.parallel_type == "OpenMP":
                now = time.time()
                if now - self.last_flush > self.flush_frequency:
                    self.last_flush = now

    return AnalysisStageWithFlush(global_model, parameters)

if __name__ == "__main__":

    with open("ProjectParameters.json", 'r') as parameter_file:
        parameters = KratosMultiphysics.Parameters(parameter_file.read())

    analysis_stage_module_name = parameters["analysis_stage"].GetString()
    analysis_stage_class_name = analysis_stage_module_name.split('.')[-1]
    analysis_stage_class_name = ''.join(x.title() for x in analysis_stage_class_name.split('_'))

    analysis_stage_module = importlib.import_module(analysis_stage_module_name)
    analysis_stage_class = getattr(analysis_stage_module, analysis_stage_class_name)

    global_model = KratosMultiphysics.Model()
    simulation = CreateAnalysisStageWithFlushInstance(analysis_stage_class, global_model, parameters)

This first part of the script defines a custom AnalysisStageWithFlush class, which extends the analysis stage class specified in the ProjectParameters.json file. In the case of the MPMApplication, the AnalysisStageWithFlush extends the MpmAnalysis class.

The second part of the script executes the following steps:

  • reads the ProjectParameters.json file using the KratosMultiphysics.Parameters class;
  • identifies and imports the analysis stage class (MpmAnalysis) specified in the "analysis_stage" field of the parameters;
  • initializes an instance of AnalysisStageWithFlush, which extends the MpmAnalysis class;
  • run the simulation using the initialised analysis stage.

To execute the MainKratos.py script, open the terminal, navigate to the directory containing the script MainKratos.py and execute the command

python MainKratos.py