A zero displacement Dirichlet boundary condition can be imposed on the nodes of a given background grid submodel part by means of the python process AssignVectorVariableProcess
implemented in the Kratos Core.
Parameters & Defaults
The parameters to be used are the following:
"kratos_module" : "KratosMultiphysics",
"python_module" : "assign_vector_variable_process",
"Parameters" : {
"model_part_name" : "PLEASE_SPECIFY_MODEL_PART_NAME",
"variable_name" : "DISPLACEMENT",
"interval" : [0.0, 1e30],
"constrained" : [true, true, true],
"value" : [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
String identifying the name of the target ModelPart.
Time interval in which the process applies.