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In this section we discuss the role played by the ProjectParameters.json and ParticleMaterials.json files, which define, respectively, the settings and the material properties of the problem to be solved.

The JSON format is an open standard file format and data interchange format that uses human-readable text to store and transmit data objects consisting of name–value pairs and arrays. Kratos uses a thin wrapper arround this syntax, the Parameters class.

A detailed description of the Parameters class can be found here, along with a tutorial on how to use it to read JSON files.


The input file ProjectParameters.json has the following structure

    "analysis_stage"   : "KratosMultiphysics.MPMApplication.mpm_analysis",
    "problem_data"     : {
        "problem_name"  : "name",
        "parallel_type" : "OpenMP",
        "echo_level"    : 0,
        "start_time"    : 0.0,
        "end_time"      : 1
    "solver_settings"  : {
    "processes"        : {
        "constraints_process_list" : [],
        "loads_process_list"       : [],
        "list_other_processes"     : [],
        "gravity"                  : []
    "output_processes" : {
        "gid_output_processes"   : [],
        "vtk_output_processes"   : [],
        "other_output_processes" : []

The ProjectParameters.json typically contains five main blocks:

  • analysis_stage, a string that specifies the Python module containing the implementation of the MpmAnalysis class. This class extends the AnalysisStage class from the Kratos Core and defines the overall workflow of the simulation.

  • problem_data, a set of parameters defining the general settings for the Kratos simulation:

    • problem_name: a label that identifies the problem to be solved.

    • parallel_type: a label that specifies the parallelization method used for solving the problem. Currently, the MPMApplication only supports shared memory parallelization, meaning that the only valid value is "OpenMP".

    • echo_level: an integer that controls the verbosity level of the simulation output. Higher values result in more messages printed to the standard output, providing greater detail on the simulation’s status.
      • Minimum: 0 - silent
      • Maximum: 4 - detailed output
    • start_time: a number defining the starting time of the simulation.

    • end_time: a number defining the ending time of the simulation.
  • solver_settings, a set of attribute-value pairs defining the settings for the solvers, like analysis type, linear solver, etc. These parameters are discussed in detail here.
  • processes, a set of lists containing the processes to apply, e.g., boundary and initial conditions. Within the MPMApplication, processes are usually divided into four lists.
    1. constraints_process_list: this list contains all the processes imposing Dirichlet boundary conditions;
    2. loads_process_list: this list contains all the processes defining the external loads acting on the body;
    3. list_other_processes: this list contains other processes not related to boundary conditions;
    4. gravity: this list contains the AssignGravityToMaterialPoints process.

    Other custom lists can also be defined. A detailed description of the processes implemented within the MPMApplication can be found here.

  • output_processes, a set of lists containing the output processes for the post-processing of the results. Within the MPMApplication, output processes are usually divided into three lists.
    1. gid_output_processes: this list contains the GiDOutputProcess and the MPMGiDOutputProcess for exporting data that can be visualized with GiD;
    2. vtk_output_processes: this lists contains the VtkOutputProcess and the MPMVtkOutputProcess for exporting data in the vtk format that can be visualized using post-processing tools such as Paraview and VisIt;
    3. other_output_processes: this lists contains other output processes.

    A detailed description of all the output processes that can be used with the MPMApplication can be found here.


The input file ParticleMaterials.json has the following structure

    "properties" : [{
        "model_part_name" : "Initial_MPM_Material.Material_Domain_1",
        "properties_id"   : 1,
        "Material"        : {
            "constitutive_law" : {
                "name" : "LinearElasticIsotropicPlaneStrain2DLaw"
            "Variables"        : {
                "THICKNESS"                   : 1.0,
                "MATERIAL_POINTS_PER_ELEMENT" : 1,
                "DENSITY"                     : 7850.0,
                "YOUNG_MODULUS"               : 206900000000.0,
                "POISSON_RATIO"               : 0.29
            "Tables"           : null
        "model_part_name" : "Initial_MPM_Material.Material_Domain_2",
        "properties_id"   : 2,
        "Material"        : {
            "constitutive_law" : {
                "name" : "HenckyMCPlasticPlaneStrain2DLaw"
            "Variables"        : {
                "THICKNESS"                   : 1.0,
                "MATERIAL_POINTS_PER_ELEMENT" : 1,
                "DENSITY"                     : 7850.0,
                "YOUNG_MODULUS"               : 206900000000.0,
                "POISSON_RATIO"               : 0.29,
                "COHESION"                    : 0.0,
                "INTERNAL_FRICTION_ANGLE"     : 0.5235987755982,
                "INTERNAL_DILATANCY_ANGLE"    : 0.0
            "Tables"           : null
        "model_part_name" : "Initial_MPM_Material.Material_Domain_3",
        "properties_id"   : 3,
        "Material"        : {
            "constitutive_law" : {
                "name" : "HyperElasticNeoHookeanPlaneStrain2DLaw"
            "Variables"        : {
                "THICKNESS"                   : 1.0,
                "MATERIAL_POINTS_PER_ELEMENT" : 1,
                "DENSITY"                     : 7850.0,
                "YOUNG_MODULUS"               : 206900000000.0,
                "POISSON_RATIO"               : 0.29
            "Tables"           : null

The property field contains a list of one or more objects, each defining the constitutive law associated to a submodel part of the Intitial_MPM_Material model part.

For example, the ParticleMaterials.json file shown in the code-block above refers to a problem in which three continuum bodies are discretised by means of material points, each body being assigned a different constitutive law.

Each json object in the list assigned to the property field is defined through the following attributes.

  • model_part_name: name of the submodel part to which the properties in that object are assigned;
  • properties_id: integer identifying that specific property;
  • Material: json object providing detailed information about the constitutive law. It contains the following name-value pairs.
    • constitutive_law: object containing a string identifying the constitutive law;
    • Variables: object defining some variables
      • THICKNESS: thickness for 2D problems
      • MATERIAL_POINTS_PER_ELEMENT: number of material points to be used on each element of the mesh discretising the submodel part indentified by model_part_name. The discretisation of the continuum to simulate by means of material points is discussed in more details here;
      • other variables depending on the type of constitutive law that has been chosen.

A detailed discussion of the consitutive laws implemented within the MPMApplication and the list of variables to be added to the object assigned to the Variables attribute can be found here.