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The python process AssignGravityToMaterialPointProcess assigns a vector value to the material point element variables MP_VOLUME_ACCELERATION and MP_ACCELERATION before the execution of the solution loop. As the name suggests, this process is intended to assign gravity acceleration to the material point elements of a given model part.

Parameters & Defaults

    "kratos_module" : "KratosMultiphysics.MPMApplication",
    "python_module" : "assign_gravity_to_material_point_process",
    "Parameters"    : {
        "model_part_name" : "PLEASE_SPECIFY_MODEL_PART_NAME",
        "modulus"         : 1.0,
        "direction"       : [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

String identifying the name of the target ModelPart.


Number identifying the modulus of the imposed acceleration.


Three-component vector identifying the direction of the applied acceleration.

Source Code
