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The following variables are defined for each material point condition of type MPMParticleBaseCondition

  • MPC_AREA (double): material point condition integration area
  • MPC_COORD (array_1d<double,3>): material point condition coordinates
  • MPC_DISPLACEMENT (array_1d<double,3>): material point condition displacement
  • MPC_VELOCITY (array_1d<double,3>): material point condition velocity
  • MPC_ACCELERATION (array_1d<double,3>): material point condition acceleration
  • MPC_NORMAL (array_1d<double,3>): material point condition normal vector
  • MPC_DENSITY (double): material point element density
  • MPC_VOLUME (double): material point element volume
  • MPC_CAUCHY_STRESS_VECTOR (Vector): material point element Cauchy stress vector
  • MPC_ALMANSI_STRAIN_VECTOR (Vector): material point element Almansi strain vector


In addition to the variables defined for material point conditions of type MPMParticleBaseCondition, the conditions of type MPMParticleBaseDirichletCondition, which are used to impose non-conforming Dirichlet boundary conditions, define the following variables.

  • MPC_IMPOSED_DISPLACEMENT (array_1d<double,3>): material point condition imposed displacement
  • MPC_IMPOSED_VELOCITY (array_1d<double,3>): material point condition imposed velocity
  • MPC_IMPOSED_ACCELERATION (array_1d<double,3>): material point condition imposed acceleration
  • MPC_CONTACT_FORCE (array_1d<double,3>): material point condition contact force


In addition to the variables defined for material point conditions of type MPMParticleBaseDirichletCondition, the conditions of type MPMParticlePenaltyDirichletCondition, which impose Dirichlet boundary conditions by means of the penalty method, define the following variable

  • MPC_PENALTY_FACTOR (double): material point condition penalty factor


In addition to the variables defined for material point conditions of type MPMParticleBaseCondition, the conditions of type MPMParticlePointLoadCondition, which implement the action of a point load, define the following variables

  • POINT_LOAD (array_1d<double,3>): material point condition load
  • MPC_DELTA_DISPLACEMENT (array_1d<double,3>): material point condition displacement increment