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The following variables are defined for each material point element of type MPMUpdatedLagrangian.

  • MP_MATERIAL_ID (int): id identifying the material (see the properties_id field in the ParticleMaterials.json input file)
  • MP_MASS (double): material point element mass
  • MP_DENSITY (double): material point element density
  • MP_VOLUME (double): material point element volume
  • MP_COORD (array_1d<double,3>): material point element coordinates
  • MP_DISPLACEMENT (array_1d<double,3>): material point element displacement
  • MP_VELOCITY (array_1d<double,3>): material point element velocity
  • MP_ACCELERATION (array_1d<double,3>): material point element acceleration
  • MP_CAUCHY_STRESS_VECTOR (Vector): material point element Cauchy stress vector
  • MP_ALMANSI_STRAIN_VECTOR (Vector): material point element Almansi strain vector


For the material point elements of type MPMUpdatedLagrangianUP, implementing the mixed UP (displacement/pressure) formulation, the following additional variable is defined.

  • MP_PRESSURE (double): material point element pressure