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Figure 1 illustrates how an algorithm operates when OptimizationAnalysis executes Algorithm::Solve method. Overview of the existing algorithms can be found here.


Figure 1: Algorithm

Working space.

As illustrated in the Figure 1, Algorithm purely works in the control space. Hence, all the inputs to the Algorithm should be in the control space. Therefore, all the outputs from it also will be in the control space.

Supporting components

When an Algorithm is constructed by the OptimizationAnalysis,

  1. It will create the MasterControl which links all the Controls used by the Algorithm.
  2. It will create all the necessary ResponseRoutines for the algorithm. It will not create any ResponseFunctions, it will merely link a ResponseRoutine with a ResponseFunction.
  3. Thereafter, it will create all the other necessary components.

Data flow and work flow

Algorithm is developed basically to perform minimization. Therefore, it is the duty of the ResponseRoutine to standardize the objective and constraint values (i.e. \(\tilde{J}_1\) and \(\tilde{J}_2\) and the gradients (i.e. \(\frac{d\tilde{J}_1}{d\underline{\hat{\phi}}}\), \(\frac{d\tilde{J}_2}{d\underline{\hat{\phi}}}\)) accordingly and send it to the algorithm which will be based on physical space response values (i.e. \(J_1\), \(J_2\)) and their gradients (i.e. \(\frac{dJ_1}{d\underline{\phi}}\), \(\frac{dJ_2}{d\underline{\phi}}\)). Then using the algorithm, it will compute the new design in control space (i.e. \(\hat{\underline{\phi}}\)) which needs to mapped to a design in the physical space (i.e. \(\underline{\phi}\)) by the ResponseRoutine. ResponseRoutine then should update its design surfaces using MasterControl for the next iteration computations.


  1. Since each algorithm is specific, they can have their own specific types of ResponseRoutines developed. Therefore, the methods being called by an Algorithm to ResponseRoutine may differ depending on the type of the Algorithm.
  2. OptimizationApplication supports linking with third party libraries for various algorithms. In that case, one needs to develop the Algorithm wrapper, ResponseRoutine and MasterControl for that third party library.

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