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CollectiveExpressions as name suggests is a collection of NodalExpression and/or ConditionExpression and/or ElementExpression. You can assume the CollectiveExpression as a flat vector flattening all the Expressions it hold. It also allows doing all the arithmetic and other operations which are defined for Expressions. Even though they appear as a flat double vector, A CollectiveExpression can easily return the underlying Expressions if required.

Adding and removing Expressions and retrieving expressions.

Following code snippet illustrates how to add and remove Expressions to CollectiveExpression

import KratosMultiphysics as Kratos
import KratosMultiphysics.OptimizationApplication as KratosOA

model = Kratos.Model()
model_part = model.CreateModelPart("test")

nodal_expression = Kratos.Expression.NodalExpression(model_part)
cond_expression = Kratos.Expression.ConditionExpression(model_part)

collective_expression = KratosOA.CollectiveExpression()

# adds a nodal expression and condition expression

# retrieves expressions in the order they were added
for exp in collective_expression.GetContainerExpressions():

# clears all the expressions

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