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OptimizationProblemAsciiOutputProcess`` is used to output ASCII data in theOptimizationProblem``` data container to a single file, where each optimization iteration data will be written to a new line in the output file.

The optimization iteration data is taken from the historical data storage of the optimization problem. The static data in the optimization problem is used as the initial data when writing.

The output will be written in the CSV format.

Json settings

Following json snippet explains a single use case.

    "type": "optimization_problem_ascii_output_process",
    "module": "KratosMultiphysics.OptimizationApplication.processes",
    "settings": {
        "output_file_name"         : "SPECIFY_OUTPUT_FILE_NAME",
        "write_kratos_version"     : true,
        "write_time_stamp"         : true,
        "write_initial_values"     : true,
        "list_of_output_components": ["all"],
        "format_info": {
            "int_length"     : 7,
            "float_precision": 9,
            "bool_values"    : ["no", "yes"],
            "string_length"  : 10
Option Allowed values
type “optimization_problem_ascii_output_process”
module “KratosMultiphysics.OptimizationApplication.processes”
output_file_name Output file name.
write_kratos_version true to write the Kratos version used in the optimization analysis, false will not write anything.
write_time_stamp true to write the time stamp of the starting point, false will not write anything
write_initial_values true to write the initial data.
list_of_output_components list of component names to write data. You can specify here either “all” to write data from all the components, or specify names of the response functions, controls, execution policies to write data from those components only.
int_length Length of the integer values when converted to strings
float_precision Floating point value precision to be used when converting to strings
bool_values The keywords to be used if bool is true and false.
string_length String length to be used to write string data.

Source files