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This is a seperate process, which can be included in the json file as an auxiliary process. Followings are the defaults used in this process.

    "model_part_name" : "PLEASE_SPECIFY_MODEL_PART_NAME",
    "input_variable_settings" : [
            "method_name"    : "sum",
            "norm_type"      : "none",
            "container"      : "nodal_historical",
            "variable_names" : [],
            "method_settings": {}
    "output_settings" : {
        "output_control_variable": "STEP",
        "output_time_interval"   : 1,
        "write_kratos_version"   : true,
        "write_time_stamp"       : true,
        "output_file_settings"   : {
            "file_name"  : "<model_part_name>_<container>_<norm_type>_<method_name>.dat",
            "output_path": "spatial_statistics_output",
            "write_buffer_size" : -1

model_part_name indicates which model part to be operated on for statistics calculation. input_variable_settings contains list of statistics and/or norm methods along with their acting containers of the model part. method_name is the statistics method name (always everything is in lower case). norm_type is the applied norm, none means, value methods are used, otherwise specified norm is used. container is the container to be specified for statistical value calculation. method_settings is used to pass additional information required by statistics method such as in Distribution method. Output is written to a file in the format given at file_name, under the folder folder_name. This process can be used, if someone prefers not to modify their python scripts to calculate statistics as mentioned in the previous sections