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This is a seperate process, which can be included in the json file as an auxiliary process. Followings are the defaults used in this process.

    "model_part_name" : "PLEASE_SPECIFY_MODEL_PART_NAME",
    "input_variable_settings" : [
            "method_name"     : "sum",
            "norm_type"       : "none",
            "container"       : "nodal_historical_non_historical",
            "echo_level"      : 0,
            "method_settings" : {}
    "echo_level" : 0,
    "statistics_start_point_control_variable_name" : "TIME",
    "statistics_start_point_control_value"         : 0.0

model_part_name is the model part which all of the mentioned statistics will be calculated. input_variable_settings contains list of statistical methods, their norms and container combinations where statistics will be calculated. under each input_variable_settings_block, method_name is the statistics method, norm_type is the norm type ("none" for value methods, other wise norms are used), container to tell from which container to read/write, method_settings to specifiy input/output variables for the method. Apart from that, there are few global settings. statistics_start_point_control_variable_name is the temporal statistics calculation start control variable name. This variable should be present in the model_part specified in order to calculate temporal statistics. Statistics calculation will start when this variable’s value passes user specified value in statistics_start_point_control_value.