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In the case of spatial domain, it returns maximum of a given variable’s norm for a given container, and the corresponding items id. xi is the ith element’s variable value of the corresponding container. Results will be double and integer, irrespective of the input type, since higher dimensional variable types will be reduced to scalars by the use of norms.

$$v = \max_{\underline{x}_i \in \Omega} |\underline{x}_i|$$

In the case of temporal domain, Max method returns maximum value in the temporal domain, and the time maximum is found. Maximum and its occurring time will be stored each element under user specified variables and a user specified container. xk is the kth time step element’s variable value of the corresponding container. Results will have the same type as the type of the variable specified by the user preserving the dimensionality as in the spatial case.

$$v = \max_{\underline{x}_k \in \mathbf{T}} |\underline{x}_k|$$



Following is an example of max method of non historical VELOCITY’s magnitude over the whole model part’s nodes. It returns a tuple, first argument being the maximum, and the second argument being the id of the node where the maximum is found.

import KratosMultiphysics as Kratos
import KratosMultiphysics.StatisticsApplication as KratosStats
model = Kratos.Model()
model_part = model.CreateModelPart("test_model_part")
max_value, max_id = KratosStats.SpatialMethods.NonHistorical.Nodes.NormMethods.Max(model_part, Kratos.VELOCITY, "magnitude")


Following is an example of max method in non historical velocity. Input variable is node’s non-historical container’s VELOCITY and output variable VECTOR_3D_NORM will store maximum and TIME will store the time maximum occured for each node. The 0 represents echo level for this method object. “magnitude” indicates that magnitude norm is used.

import KratosMultiphysics as Kratos
import KratosMultiphysics.StatisticsApplication as KratosStats
model = Kratos.Model()
model_part = model.CreateModelPart("test_model_part")
max_method = KratosStats.TemporalMethods.NonHistorical.Nodes.NormMethods.Max.Array(model_part, "magnitude", Kratos.VELOCITY, 0, KratosStats.VECTOR_3D_NORM, Kratos.TIME)
integration_starting_time = 2.0
for t in range(3, 6):