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All the temporal methods are available through TemporalMethods submodule under StatisticsApplication. In the case of temporal methods, seperate objects needs to be created for each input variable for different type of variables as shown in following example for nodal non historical data container value methods.

import KratosMultiphysics as Kratos
import KratosMultiphysics.StatisticsApplication as KratosStats
model = Kratos.Model()
model_part = model.CreateModelPart("test_model_part")
sum_double_method = KratosStats.TemporalMethods.NonHistorical.Nodes.ValueMethods.Sum.Double(model_part, "", Kratos.PRESSURE, 0, Kratos.DENSITY)
sum_array_method = KratosStats.TemporalMethods.NonHistorical.Nodes.ValueMethods.Sum.Array(model_part, "", Kratos.VELOCITY, 0, Kratos.DISPLACEMENT)
sum_vector_method = KratosStats.TemporalMethods.NonHistorical.Nodes.ValueMethods.Sum.Vector(model_part, "", Kratos.LOAD_MESHES, 0, Kratos.MATERIAL_PARAMETERS)
sum_matrix_method = KratosStats.TemporalMethods.NonHistorical.Nodes.ValueMethods.Sum.Matrix(model_part, "", Kratos.GREEN_LAGRANGE_STRAIN_TENSOR, 0, Kratos.CAUCHY_STRESS_TENSOR)

In order to remove the hassle of using different names (such as Double, Array…), one can get the advantage of common methods available in each of the containers. Following example will create the same objects as in the previous example in one go using simplified sum method.

import KratosMultiphysics as Kratos
import KratosMultiphysics.StatisticsApplication as KratosStats
model = Kratos.Model()
model_part = model.CreateModelPart("test_model_part")
params = Kratos.Parameters(r"""
sum_methods = KratosStats.TemporalMethods.NonHistorical.Nodes.Sum(model_part, "none", 0, params)

For Sum, Mean, RootMeanSquare methods, above Kratos.Parameters object keys will remain the same. But for Variance method following json parameters are used.

    "input_variables"           : [],
    "output_mean_variables"     : [],
    "output_variance_variables" : []

When using these simplified, one needs to take care of compatibility of input and output variables depending on the method and norm type, otherwise runtime errors will be thrown.