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In order to write a python script with Kratos the first step would be to “Obtain” the KratosMultiphysics module and then “add” it as an external module to Python.

There are sveral ways to Obtain the module:

  • Download the latest release of Kratos from Kratos’ release page
  • Installing from PIP ‘KratosMultiphysics-all’
  • Getting the Kratos and its GUI from GiD internet retrieve.
  • Compile the source from the GitHub repo.

Remember that if you compile Kratos you will have to add the module path to the PYTHONPATH environment variable.


In Linux you can set the python path to the Kratos root directory using export command in terminal:

$ export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/Kratos


For a release version extracted your home directory

$ export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/Kratos

In case of having a GiD installed in GiDx64/GiD14.0.0 subfolder of home:

$ export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/GiDx64/GiD14.0.0/problemtypes/kratos.gid/exec/Kratos


To create the path on Windows 10 and having installed Kratos through GiD or either downloaded manually, follow these steps:

  • In the search bar type system and select System (Control Panel)
  • In the left menu, click the Advanced system settings link.
  • Click Environment Variables Button at the bottom. In the section System Variables, find the PYTHONPATH and PYTHONHOME environment variables and select them. Edit both of them. If the PYTHONHOME or PYTHONPATH environment variable do not exist, click New and create them.

    • If you have installed Kratos using GiD: Go to the GiD folder. For example, it could be in C:\Program Files\GiD Inside the GiD folder, you should follow \problemtypes\kratos.gid\exec\Kratos. There are many subfolders here and can be confusing. The correct one is just when you can see the KratosMultiphysics folder. Copy the current path and paste it as variable name.

    • If you have downloaded yourself or you have compiled Kratos in your own computer, copy the Kratos path, for example C:\Kratos

  • Click Accept.

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